Campos do Jordão/São Paulo - Brazil
The Campos do Jordão Railway (EFCJ) operated a 47km railway system based on the tourist trade connecting two tourist venues, Piracuama (Pindamonhangaba) and Capivari (Campos do Jordão). On the transfer of EFCJ’s management to the state (Metropolitan Transports Department - STM) the Capivari railway’s Total Redevelopment and Restructuring Project - in a partnership with EBEI Engenharia - was put in place in order to remodel the stations and provide full access. To improve boarding conditions, including the existing cable car and workshops in addition to urban improvements of Águas Claras Park and Capivari Park.

The goal is to empower these facilities to increase their railway operations as well as to develop recreation activeness. To encourage commercial activities expanding their railway non-operating revenues.

The new park configures as an emblematic railway area, integrated with the Campos do Jordão main shopping area. The railway will become more attractive to investors and promote a valuation of the urban, environmental and property conditions of its surroundings.

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