Municipality signs concession contract of the Niterói Municipal Market
Consortium will revitalize building and manage space for the next 25 years. The work will have two phases. The first is the refurbishment of the building, which will retain the original art deco features, but will be revitalized and modernized.
The Architecture Design is from Fernandes Arquitetos Associados
The project developed for Public Private Partnership (PPP), that is, a concession of public works, here the concessionaire performs the work and is remunerated from the activity developed. The “Novo Mercado Municipal” consortium, formed by RFM Participations, National Shopping Plans and Restructuring of Shopping Center and L1 M3 Publicity, with the architectural project of Fernandes Arquitetos Associados, was the winner of the bidding and will have the concession of space for 25 years.