Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brazil has one of the largest helicopters fleets in the world, and the São Paulo Metropolitan Region is considered the larger one, according to 2013 information. Despite the existence of three other helicenters and the two airports that meet the helicopter operators demands, there is a demand of more infrastructure, and the project appears to meet even a national demand. It pretends to be the largest specialized service "hub" for the southern hemisphere helicopters.

The site is located in Vila Sonia district, in the southern perimeter of the São Paulo city, with easy access to Marginal Pinheiros. The main operating platform helicenter will have a total operating area of 22.000m², a helipad with a capacity for helicopters with 15 tons , patio helicopters with 18 “spots” for parking, 14.000m² of hangar for 200 aircraft, maintenance workshops and support services for pilots and users. Technical requirements to approach and takeoff were favored in the solution for site plan and the terrain topography. The area allows for a balanced distribution of all buildings offered in this complex, which contemplates in an integrated way: Helicenter Deck with operational areas; Business Center with 4 types of independent buildings, with a total of 18 units that can be sized according to the market demand; a Shopping Mall and convenient services.
Within this large complex, are offered: lounges, restaurants, meeting rooms and service "Box VIP", accommodation for pilots, VIP accommodation to rest or overnight to users and visitors, games and leisure room, parking for employees and users and a gym. The complex enables an architectural development, constructive, operational and marketing plan in the region that will provide the establishment of future commercial centers, hotel and event center.


  • Site Area:


  • Built Area:


  • Services Provided:

    Feasibility Study